Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I am Boring Myself!

I am not very good at this blogging business! My posts seem boring to me!! Oh well, I will persevere and see what transpires....yesterday I missed posting as 1) I delayed posting in the morning hoping inspiration would strike later in the day but 2) I then developed a massive stomach ache later on in the afternoon and didn't feel up to doing much!!! I did go to the gym as I was already dressed to go but when I came back, I really couldn't do much else!!!
Feeling a bit disheartened that I am not feeling healthier after ceasing to drink the copious amounts of alcohol I usually assault my body with. I'm hoping that I'm suffering from some sort of physical withdrawals which will end eventually... soon! In the meantime I am continuing to try and do the other healthy habits I started;

drink more water

eat smaller portions

choose healthier items

eat less animal products

I give myself currently a score of 7/10 for these. Yesterday I was a bit naughty and had a cheese sausage in pastry thing at work and a small choc milk and then in the afternoon I felt lazy and ate a cold rissole with a cup of tea. My stomach ache ensued very shortly after this but I can't imagine that the rissole caused it and I felt Ok up till then so it can't have been the pastry thing....for dinner last night I made a very quick stirfry with some steak some friends left here when they came for a BBQ on the weekend. Cutting it up into strips made it go far enough for Paul to have a tasty stirfry and rice lunch for work today and also made it so we ate very little meat each for that meal and a lot more veg. Plus I was doubled over in cramps so I wasn;t capable of cooking much else!!!

I still seem to have a touch of tummy ache this morning so I'm going to be gentle with my body today. Last night I don't know how I made it through the Pump class with the pains I was having but I did, even used mostly the same weights as usual... but today I think I will do some walking and that's about it. I MAY go to Body Balance tonight if Paul goes but that will depend on whether there's any surf or not...if there's surf he will do that...

I will eat only simple light food today.. easily digested things... hopefully I will feel better as the day proceeds...

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