Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lovely Day

Quite on the spur of the moment I decided to take my little granddaughters out for the day.. I rang their home first just in case they might have been going somewhere.. but they weren't.. my daughter was going to the doctor .. she's having her wisdom teeth out and needed to see the anaesthetist.. but otherwise I was free to take them somewhere!! I couldn't have them for a sleepover midweek as I have to work funny hours this week which wouldn't have enabled me to... but also it's not the best having them when either one of us has to get up early for work... you don't get an optimal night's sleep when they're around and also it's nice if they can wake naturally and not to OUR alarm!!!!! I WAS thinking about getting them today yesterday but I didn't arrange anything till this morning just to make sure I felt up to it... it's a fair drive there and back and I have been quite tired of late..
Well, the last time we passed the Candy Cow Olivia asked to go there but I promised " next time".. so first of all I fulfilled that promise to her and they both chose a big round colourful lollipop almost as big as their heads!!!! Olivia said she's asked Daddy for one but he said "NO".. she said " I KNEW you'd get me one Nanna!!!" Aw!!! Jasmine also wanted a little mini stamper(stamp-pad with a lid) but she forgot about it and left it in the car... never mind she'll have fun with it next time..
Onward we went to Busselton on the old road and it was the first time ( I think!) that I have been to the Old Busselton Jetty.. there was a nice cafe there and a kiosk and we got some fish and chips and squid rings... sat on the beach and ate them...the seagulls scored the leftovers with both girls shrieking and carrying on as they do!!! The day had started off quite nice here, but further down was drizzly and cool... as the day progressed though it seemed to get sunnier and the afternoon was very pleasant with some cloudy patches and again a bit of drizzle when we got back to MR but it was totally fine the whole time we were out.. the girls had a nice time walking on walls and scampering over the big sand bags at the beach.. we walked on a little jetty and also went to Simmos and got an icecream... Olivia chose bubblegum and I got Jasmine a "baby" cone of raspberry swirl but she wasn't too bright today.. she hardly ate anything and only had a few licks of her icecream... Olivia wanted to put $2 in the coin operated machine and get a ball.. so they each had a turn( with my help.. it's HARD for them to turn the knob all the way round themselves!!)
There was no playground there, funnily enough, so we drove back to MR and I had in mind the Colonial Brewery( NO, not for the beer!!) as I've been there once before with Jon and Rachel when Olivia was small and the playground they have there for visitors is absolutely awesome!! I thought I may as well have a small beer there though and ordered a small pale ale. The girls weren't hungry or thirsty but I got a Coke and a small ham and pineapple pizza for them.. Olivia only nibbled at it though.. I ate the rest.. it was GOOD!! A homemade one, not a frozen thing....we stayed there a while but poor Jasmine.. as well as not being very well, I think I spun her too much on the roundabout and she threw up a bit...she was a bit miserable today, I must say... definitely got a bad cold or flu.. poor thing..
Nevertheless it was still hard to convince her to leave the place.. she LOVES playgrounds, Olivia helped by telling her we were going to the duck park closer to home and we did call there.. but it was getting a bit cold by then and a bit later than I had planned!!! I thought I'd have trouble keeping them amused for three hours but here it was nearly 5 o'clock and we only just got home!!! Jasmine was so funny when we got back telling her mum that "Nanna did it" she's like that!! Always getting sympathy by telling someone that the other person did this, or hurt her etc!!! We were laughing and she sat on Daddy all snuggled up giving me the evils!!! ehehehhehehe! But she's only playing!! She'll be happy to come with me again on the weekend!!! AW, it was a lovely lovely day... so glad I went like that spontaneously on my one day off this week... now I can work the rest of the week joyfully having spent quality time with them today...making memories for the future... memories that will sustain me when they've gone to Canada...

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