Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Vegging Out

I so feel like just totally vegging out today... yesterday I was a little bit sick from allergies I think... man down the laneway was whippersnippering and mowing all day while I was at work and I think it was that.. as I woke up feeling all right!!! He started about 9.30am and well, it was all downhill for me from there.... I kind of feel a bit better today and indeed.. I started off well with a run around the golfcourse with my dogs, but after breakfast I felt a bit sick again and actually feel like going back to bed... would there be anything inherently wrong with this I ask myself????
It's just that I do want to do so many things all the time and on top of that there are things I really SHOULD do .. like clean the bathroom and deal with the fridge... but I just feel so weary....
Maybe if I have a shower, I'll feel brighter!!

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