Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Why Not?

Why not indeed??? It's amazing how if you really try and work on your mind, how you can start to see things really differently and also have a change of "heart".....
I'm talking about my family's move overseas which looking back over my blog and my journal had me quite upset and sad not very long ago..
I've been trying really hard to understand why they would want to move and how things look like from their point of view... my son helped a lot by talking it over with me and hearing all my fears and doubts..anyway, I feel quite OK about it now, even a bit excited for them.
My daughter and her partner are both very very talented and why should they not go where they feel they could really have a chance to reach for the stars in their chosen field?? I have put a lot of effort into opening my mind to thinking correctly and not getting carried away with nonsense thoughts!!! One of the "exercises" I found helpful was doing a bit of "role reversal" as a strategy for understanding their wishes to move and try to expand and develop their business. I imagined what my daughter might feel about me and my chosen path in life and what she might say about it if I did not give them my full encouragement and support. I can't really support them financially .. but I can always be enthusiastic and excited for their prospects. And not be negative and focus on possible problems that might arise.. I realised that I can demonstrate my faith in their abilities and not be scornful of the choices they make, knowing that everyone has their own goals and dreams that are right for them...anyway, I am constantly amazed at the ability of the mind to change if you give it a go!! Having conquered many negative frames of mind over the years,I feel confident that even though there are lots more things in life for me to learn but that I will be able to do it!!

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