Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Regular Running

My running is usually very sporadic.. since my youth I haven't made a regular running schedule.. things get in the way.. I run for a couple of days and then let it go by the board again... recently, I have been running more regularly than I have for a long time!!! It feels great!!
Yesterday I ran a course around town that I feel could be my regular running route and I found that I'm a pretty good judge of distance! I felt it was about 8 km and after my run I drove it, arriving home just as the trip meter clicked onto 8km exactly!!! Of course my steps don't follow the exact path of a car but to make up for any occasions where I might have cut the corner etc, I made sure I took the longest path round things and also ran up and down the steps at the golf course lake a few times... in any case, the run is approx 8km and that is a good distance for me to do most days. I hope to, for variety's sake go to Bunbury once a week to do a run along the coastal road or perhaps park at Australind and run into Bunbury( and back??) When I am able to do that I will be really pleased....
The other night I must have run at least 10km as I ran my 8km route PLUS all around the golf course which would have added about 2km ...the interesting thing is.. I feel this has all been helped along by my "new" habit of blogging and list making etc... keeping written track of my activities in all sorts of areas is definitely making things happen.. much more than when I just think about them.. from my finances to trying to maintain a vegetarian diet now to running...writing about what I hope to achieve, whether it's on here or in my journal, really works to help it become reality!

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