Thursday, June 3, 2010

Not So Awesome Shopping Day

Today I went to work for a short time... 7-9am...I am going to be doing this every Thursday and then go back at 3pm for my regular was bright and busy and the time went very quickly. I was all dressed and had my handbag,shopping bags etc with me to go straight to town and do my shopping quickly! I wanted to go to Big W also to see if I could get one of those "egg carton" foam underlays (that I already have on my bed...... sooo comfy)..... to put on the spare bed which is a little bit soft but I'm hoping with the underlay it will feel better to sleep on....

Well, I haven't been to Big W for a long time and some things caught my attention... DVDs... I saw the Michael Jackson "This Is It" one that I do want.. and put it in my trolley, also a Dora one for Jasmine... then I remembered I do want an extra hot water bottle for when guests come... went to look for those and saw headbands... looked and looked at those for quite a while trying to decide if I liked any of them... I didn't....but I wear them a LOT, why don't they make more kinds???? All of them were black or grey or for kids or too thin... I like them a bit wider.. oh, they had tortoiseshell too, but I got one of those recently... then I wanted to get the girls some more textas which I put into my trolley but there were so many nice things for children, activity sets and stickers and craft sets... that kept me looking for a while again... I didn't buy any... I got them a couple of books last week and they haven't seen them yet...then I saw the book section and wanted very much to buy another Jamie Oliver cookbook.. very nearly did but thought no, I will ask for one for my birthday( which is not too far away...). After all that I went and put the DVDs back....can't really afford them this week... and after all that, I couldn't find any hot water bottles either!!!

Finally I arrived at the manchester section and yay! they had the eggcarton thingies... two brands... I bought the cheaper one( $10 less) it was $59 as it was.... then I saw mink blankets... oh, they are my weakness! I love them! I had been wanting to get a new one for our bed as since I bought those fuschia curtains, none of my existing bed linen really matches... not that that sort of thing really bothers me very much and I did have a quilt cover with pinkish tones that has been sufficing... but there was a nice deep crimson blanket today with some kind of spots on it... would be PERFECT I thought and also allow me to take the quilt cover off and wash it today... so I got it... was $49.95... not really in my budget this week but it's hard to find this kind of blanket at times in nice designs..... anyway, it looks really nice and what I like about it, it's big enough to cover the whole bed and pillows which the quilt cover was not quite achieving!!! I put the new underlay on our bed, it hasn't got a eggcarton structure, more like ridges... hope it as as comfy, it should be OK!!!

I found shopping a bit disappointing today grocery wise. I wanted to go to Woolies instead of Coles where I usually shop as Woolies has a very large container of plain brand fish food that is quite cheap....also dog treats are cheaper there, they have a brand Coles does not which is significantly cheaper than any I can get there... Also I find their range of icy poles and individual icecreams always have some on special, unlike Coles, and I want some for the girls this weekend.

But everything else seemed a bit expensive today. Again I bought MEAT. I can see this is not going to stop for me while I am living with someone to whom vegetarianism is not THE goal..... I need some cold meat for B.'s sandwiches and so I got a roast beef which seemed the most economical option available today....will roast it on the weekend, have a meal of it, and then the leftovers can be sandwiches for a day or two. I'm going to cut it I think, into two and if there's not so much cooked meat it will help me just stick to the veges...(I'll be trying to "save" the meat for B.). Also I got a big packet of sausages which were VERY cheap......B. LOVES as I have mentioned before and the other thing I got was a packet of three T-bones for the unexpected BBQ should it occur. Still got the meat I bought last shopping trip... only used the sausages and still have 5 left, which I'm going to crumb tonight for B.'s lunch tomorrow.... the chicken breasts and the lamb 4quarter chops still intact in the freezer. As well still got 3 ribeyes.. I cooked one for B. last week..... I MAY be having a few people next Saturday for hot dishes... if I do all that stored food will come in handy... won't need to buy so much next shopping....But talking of COSTS, lamb legs have REALLY gone up lately...even stewing steak is expensive and beef roasts or steak, wow!!! I saw a whole rump which I was thinking might be good to buy... cut some for roast and the rest put by.... was $98!!!!! HOLY MOLY!!! One thing that pleases me about this though, is that the cost of meat SHOULD reflect the COST - of meat... (the price of life, the cruelty, the environmental effect etc etc). maybe one day when meat gets so expensive people can't afford it, then may we move more towards vegetarian culture....(probably though that's when conditions and treatment of animals will get WORSE...... sigh....).

Well, I got what I needed mostly after spending quite a long time in the supermarket examining everything closely.... ehehehehhehehe! Some things I wanted though, I had to leave for another day... have to make do without.. nothing special just things like juice, more frozen veges, potato gems...I have other things that will do without having to get these extra items....

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