Monday, May 17, 2010


I don't have very many goals......

I am trying to eat vegetarian

I am trying to live more and more simply

I am trying to spend less and get rid of clutter

I am trying to be a kinder person ( this ones needs WORK! ehehehehhehe!)

I am trying to get to the gym three times a week

I guess those are my goals, if I must make a list of them....I'm just not a very ambitious person.. I'm not very competitive and I don't feel I need people to admire me for anything.. I don't mind being very ordinary....this sort of "lack of desire" I have in regards to lots of things is not very conducive to "goal-setting".... but lately I feel I should set some more specific goals and see if I can have FUN achieving them!!!

I have always said that the ONE goal for me is peace of mind and I pretty much have that for most of the time...even that I suffer frequently from anxiety disorder and depression, I still say I am peaceful most of the time because I have learned to accept those things are part of my makeup...I can be happy without needing to be well...

At the moment I AM well, and feeling glad about that! But I haven't thought of anything else (yet)to add to my "list of goals"!

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