Monday, May 24, 2010


Got the "blahs" today... feeling so exhausted from constant coughing and no energy! My chest just feels really weird..I was talking to a man this morning who comes in every day for his paper about asthma and he said it's possible that what I described to him is due to asthma.. if it is then I am experiencing it more and more... even though I have been told I have asthma for a number of years now I have not really suffered from this much before.. a funny feeling of a "bubble" in my throat..hard to describe exactly but it is very unpleasant.. I notice it comes immediately before coughing but there is not feeling of wanting to cough as such.... it causes me to have just a millisecond of panic as it feels very odd, not a good feeling... but then I seem to cough and it goes away.... happens over and over...worse at night it seems when I lie down to sleep... of course then I get a bit stressed and so I am not sleeping very well....

I went for a walk with the dogs just now. It's a very overcast and cool day... nevertheless it always feels good to walk. Found 4 golfballs today!! I give them to my friend Rodney. Sometimes I don't find any for days on end... I usually only find one or two at a time... but today, 4!!!

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