There are always unexpected expenses. My bank account lately is sadly showing the effects of more unplanned spending than I really can afford, that is, my balance is getting lower and lower each week! I had hoped to INCREASE it this year by saving a bit and not spending more than I have to.
This week, I put $20 in for a present for someone at work as it was their birthday.
I made a gold coin donation for a cookie to help raise funds for the Clown Doctors.
I spent a surprising amount on the weekend taking the grandchildren to even quite simple outings. ( Eating at a cafe, purchasing them a small toy each, buying a couple of books from a charity store for them, taking them to a local museum.. it all added up to more than I would have thought...)
I purchased a drawing from one of my son's friends who is trying to make ends meet, the same as everybody else.. $30.. he only asked for $25 but I felt I should give him a little extra to help cover the postage to me...
I put $5 in the Legacy collection tin.
There are bound to be a few things i've forgotten doesn't seem like so much at the time but I probably killed off about $200 on these spontaneous purchases. If this is a typical week which it is, no wonder my savings are dwindling!!
Apart from this I seem always to have to call into the supermarket even a day after doing a big shop! I run out of something essential(something I can't go without till the following week) like toilet paper, dog or cat food, or bread.
I must try and get enough of these so that I don't run out, cos as sure as eggs if I go to the shops I will see some other " bargain" and buy that as well.
I've never tried menu-planning but perhaps I will. See if that helps. Also make a list of the things I cannot possibly do without and make sure there is always enough of that for each week. Then I should not have to go to the store again till the next shopping day. Not only does it make me spend more but as well it uses up precious time that I could use for exercising (or blogging!!! ehehhehhe!) and also causes more driving!!!
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