Today I chopped up the chicken meat and the rest of the ingredients I'm going to put in my fried rice tonight. Except for potato. POTATO???? Yeah, I add little cubes of fried potatoes to my rice sometimes.. it's something I used to do when I was trying the vegan diet.. made eggless, meatless fried rice more substantial, but now I really like it. But I prefer to fry them at the last minute.
I am still quite sick. Last night was really the pits as far as coughing goes. I coughed my guts up or so it felt like it! I actually did vomit at one stage.. the night before I did as well.. it's just so continuous and violent... ugh! I tried putting three pillows under my head and also got a cloth and put some tea tree oil on it to inhale.. rubbed Vicks on my chest three times over the night and I think there was some relief from doing those things..feel ever so slightly better today. But my final cold "weapon" is in the form of GARLIC SOUP!
I have made this before but I must admit when it comes to looking after myself I'm a bit lazy. Still cos I had the chicken bones and carcasses with which I had planned to make the stock for chicken and sweet corn soup, I thought why not garlic soup.. to help with my cold?
I chopped what remaining meat I could remove from the bones, chopped a carrot and a stalk of celery and an onion into tiny pieces. Crushed a WHOLE bulb of garlic and sauteed the lot in a little olive oil to bring out the flavours. Added it to the pot of stock that was waiting and simmered for 15 mins.... voila! Enjoyed a small bowl just now with lots of pepper and it was delicious and wholesome! I could FEEL it doing me good!! I googled the benefits of garlic soup and it says to have a bowl a few times during the day so I will... might have to think of another soup to make now for another meal but I have plenty of dry soup mix and beans etc, small pasta and tinned tomatoes. I can make minestrone!!!!
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