Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blogging Blahs

I don't seem to have any motivation to post... probably because I can't find reason for blogging. No-one reads my blog and I write in my journal for my own self.... hmmm.... I'm hoping that maybe when my family moves away, my daughter will check my blog.... she doesn't use Facebook(my son-in-law does but he doesn't make posts or comment)....THAT would give me some reason to keep it going.......

I'm going to Bali this Sunday. That's my news. After I get back, I'll examine my thoughts regards blogging again and see where I go from there.....

Monday, October 4, 2010

Long Absence

I haven't posted for AGES!!! Nor written in my diary.... been so busy but also I feel like I'm really changing... there is tremendous peace and happiness in my life at the moment... I can't remember what was upsetting me in the past... everything seems to be in its place and to " have a place" in the world and in my life.. that's all I have to write tonight.....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Evil in This World

Today I was sickened to read that a kangaroo had her hind legs shot off.. yes, you read it right, SHOT off by some men who said they were hunting pigs on the evening of July 31st......
I cannot imagine the terrible fear and pain this poor creature went through as she "tried to get away on her stumps" as the article described...... I had been telling Tracey at work today that I have to be very careful and avoid reading the news too much in case I stumble upon some dreadful story but I brought the local paper home to read and there was this article...
Mercifully, a professional shooter reported the men and they were apprehended.. the MOTHER kangaroo was put down along with her joey which was in her pouch... and if that isn't the saddest, most heartbreaking story, I don't know what is...
I hate people sometimes.... was this an act of evil, or ignorance.. an accident perhaps???? I try to think that perhaps the men didn't mean to injure this poor creature so horrifically..... I HAVE to think that.... the alternative is too cruel....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Well, I did it! I managed to get up and leave the house after a shower and getting dresssed for shopping..... I'm glad as I really needed to send my father-in-law a birthday card...why I am such a procrastinator in these sort of things I do not know.. but I find it ever so hard to get around to stuff like this...
But hey.. just cos I went to groceries, the bank and the newsagent does NOT mean I am going to continue and have a active day!!! Hang on there!!! I still feel tired and I'm going to spend the rest of the day pottering... (not too hard !!!) and just do a couple of things....

Finish folding the washing

Iron a few pieces for work for the rest of the week

Ring my ma later on to see how she went with her endoscopy/colonoscopy

Sweep the floors

Make something for dinner... what'll we have, what'll we have???

I have to go into work just for the last hour to help Sam and lock up...

The rest of day I'm going to

fit in a nap

fit in some reading ( reading Three cups of Tea - the story of Greg Mortenson)

hopefully catch up in my journal a little

Vegging Out

I so feel like just totally vegging out today... yesterday I was a little bit sick from allergies I think... man down the laneway was whippersnippering and mowing all day while I was at work and I think it was that.. as I woke up feeling all right!!! He started about 9.30am and well, it was all downhill for me from there.... I kind of feel a bit better today and indeed.. I started off well with a run around the golfcourse with my dogs, but after breakfast I felt a bit sick again and actually feel like going back to bed... would there be anything inherently wrong with this I ask myself????
It's just that I do want to do so many things all the time and on top of that there are things I really SHOULD do .. like clean the bathroom and deal with the fridge... but I just feel so weary....
Maybe if I have a shower, I'll feel brighter!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Alive and Kicking!!

Gosh... so busy!!! Life is very very busy!!! I haven't had time to write any posts lately but I will as soon as I get a doing well!!! sticking to a vegan diet for a couple of weeks now .... longest spell I've been able to achieve for a long long time... that's the best news I have today!!!
Tonight I'm having a dinner party.. it's an Indian themed meal so I have made a vege curry, vege samosas, bought some naan( they are not vegan!!! surprised!!! But the others will want some... I will eat pappadams and chappatis which ARE vegan..) also,I will be able to have some nice little condiments... tomato and cucumber chopped finely and bananas with coconut...and of course chutney...
The other day I made a tofu and spinach quiche.. 100% vegan... even B. said it was nice!! and so I progress and I'm feeling ever so happy.. cos that's what eating vegan does for you... you're not eating all that sadness.......

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Dream Blessing

Last night I received a blessing in the form of a dream. I dreamt about the holy guru Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and the dream brought me much comfort and peace... very soothing and calming for my mind which has been suffering all sorts of mental torment from my recent spells of anxiety and panic attacks. That's all pretty much I want to say about it... I don't need to describe the dream or try and work out what bits and pieces of it represented.. it was sufficient to receive this precious blessing and to be able to carry with me throughout this day, the joy and serenity of such a dream....... MAY ALL BEINGS BE FREE OF SUFFERING....... OM MANI PADME HUM.......